kick about

英 [kɪk əˈbaʊt] 美 [kɪk əˈbaʊt]

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  1. Don't kick up a row about such trifle.
  2. Tom wanted to kick back at the people who had written so unfavorably about his new book in the newspapers.
  3. True love is a "combination of passion, intimacy and commitment" which does not kick in until about 12 months into a relationship.
  4. This weekend, as we celebrate Memorial Day, families across America will gather in backyards and front porches, fire up the barbeque, kick back with friends, and spend time with people they care about.
  5. Precisely where to kick a male assailant ( or an over-eager date) to make him forget about you fast.
  6. Judging by the content of this show, she might garrotte, kick, shoot or whip any antagonist, then make a sanctimonious speech about world peace over their broken and bleeding body.
  7. My mother complains all day; She has a lot to kick about.
  8. But the decline in the percentage of homes with sets is sure to kick off another round of speculation about cord-cutting.
  9. I always kick myself when I talk too much about family, or personal things.
  10. Tina will kick up a fuss when she hears about this.
  11. If there's no front kick drum head, position the mic inside the bass drum about a foot back from the point where the beater hits.
  12. With Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference about to kick off in San Francisco, the usual rumors, innuendo and sheer guessing of what CEO Steven Jobs is about the reveal is well underway.
  13. Let's kick it old school when start to talk about hurricane.
  14. If I lose my job, I'm certainly going to kick up a big stink about it.
  15. As Alan Pardew said, you would struggle to see this sort of turnaround in a seven-a-side Sunday kick about, let alone in the Premier League.
  16. It didn't seem to me enough of a mistake to kick up a row about.
  17. Based on the theoretical analysis of the track of direct free kick, this article attempted to provide parameters about the power of kicking, the part of the ball being kicked, shooting angel, and the placement of the ball over the wall.



  1. be around
    1. Does the old man still kick around?

    Synonym:    kick aroundknock about